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Sara Polak

Moderuje pořad Deus ex machina.

Sara Polak spent almost a decade in the UK, first studying Archaeology and Cognitive Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford and then working in various technological startups, ranging from AI for museums and galleries to full scale digitalisation of global politics, working on approximately 50 high profile campaigns. Since 2019 she’s blissfully back in the Czech republic, where she has worked in exploring ways in which machine learning can help Industry 4.0, and since 2020 has become a ‘popularisator’ of AI, trying to push education, multidisciplinarity, and demystification of the technology wherever she goes. She does this primarily through, and is also involved in the pAIoneers creative project as a part of Paralelni Polis.

She applies this ‘AI popularisation mantra’ for startups as a part of Startup Disrupt, and tries to push overall popularisation of science as a part of Science To Go. Sara fundamentally believes that technology, especially ‘AI’ is the key to creating a new socioeconomic system and imperative to fundamentally changing the way the individual and the state interact. Sara is a big fan of decentralisation, grassroots entrepreneurialism, and freedom through technology. She manifests this passion as a director of the project, which connects all Czechs in the world on one online platform, and has the ambition to create the first cloud nation in the world to demonstrate that this new system is truly possible. Sara loves her country, innovation, free multidisciplinary thinking, and finding connections and patterns in the beautiful chaos out there, and hopes to share the AI optimism she has with you through this Red Button EDU programme.