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Virtuální realita
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How do you scale a learning program fast across a whole organization while cutting costs? How do you train your people remotely? Virtual and augmented reality is here to revolutionize learning and development in organizations and these are some of their promises. Is it a fair estimate and where are we in this process today?
49 min
XR in Learning and Development (S1E2)
Many brands have tested XR in its virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality forms in retail and marketing over the past 5 years, surfing the hype wave that XR would revolutionize the way products are sold and brands communicate. Most of those initiatives were abandoned again after its pilot projects not seeing much immediate ROI generated.
51 min
XR for Retail, Marketing and Brand Experience (S1E3)
The meaning of democracy and its relation to technology, how not to alienate non-technical people in companies, why it’s important to have digital literacy, and how we can use the safe space of technology to teach people critical thinking and morality.
74 min
Politeia – democracy and AI
Did you know you can meet and even work together with colleagues and customers in VR?
33 min
Team Collaboration in VR (S2E1)
Amidst the big shifts and increasing separation in our society, kindness has the power to bring us in closer connection to each other and our planet beyond any differences we might have in our opinions, background, or history. Embodiment, when done right, let's you experience the world from someone else's perspective. From the empathy that creates, kindness can become a compassionate choice.
80 min
Embodiment For a Kinder Society
Je tu další CZECHárna a v ní si dnes můžete poslechnout povídání, jak naše životy bude ovlivňovat virtuální a augmentovaná realita. Hostem Petra Beneše je Leoš Kubíček - spolumajitel firmy Virtual Lab.
30 min
Jak nás v budoucnu ovlivní virtuální a augmentovaná realita
Dana Bérová je bývalou ministryní informatiky, kdy na tomto postu v roce 2005 nahradila Vladimíra Mynáře. Jak podle ní postupuje stát v oblasti digitalizace? Podle čeho si vybírá projekty do kterých zainvestuje? Jak by postupovala v otázce transformace České pošty?
30 min
Jak na rychlejší digitalizaci státu