Embodiment For a Kinder Society

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Amidst the big shifts and increasing separation in our society, kindness has the power to bring us in closer connection to each other and our planet beyond any differences we might have in our opinions, background, or history. Embodiment, when done right, let's you experience the world from someone else's perspective. From the empathy that creates, kindness can become a compassionate choice. Show more…

This event is organized by The Czech Transformative Tech Community in partnership with Deloitte, RedButton Edu and pAIoneers.

Kindness is a word often abused by influencers and in a lot of contexts has lost meaning and depth. At the same time we see, with a heavy heart, people being tired, burned out, scared, and society shifting at light warp speeds. And tragically, technology, rather than being seen as a helper and a way out, is seen as the reason for the decline of ‘kindness’ in our everyday lives. We want to explore and experience with you how a very different reality can be constructed.

If you want to come to the Deloitte Studio you need to register for it.

What can you expect?

3:00pm – 4:00pm: Thought-provoking keynote speakers (live in the Deloitte Studio and streamed on RedButton EDU platform)

  • Domna Banakou (Postdoc at EVENT-LAB, Barcelona) shares her latest research on embodiment in VR
  • Eren Aksu (Senior Manager for Digital Reality) explains how Deloitte use VR for building ‘Enduring Human Capabilities’
  • Parul Wadhwa (Creative Director for Emerging Media) talks about her experience in creating immersive stories
  • Sara Polak (Archaeologist in AI and Cloud Civilisations researcher) boldly explores the intersection space between tech and future societies that are founded on human values

4:00pm – 6:00pm: Networking + demo experiences for kindness in Deloitte Xperience Lab (only if you come in person to the Deloitte Studio)

Radek Gajdušek

V Red Button EDU mám na starosti Obsah, komunity a moderátory. Kromě toho produkujeme s kamarády z RainFellows vlastní pořad Agile Talks, kde nabízíme nakouknutí pod hlavičku agilních transformací.